The patented Survival Slingshot Archer model is equipped like our standard model with a compass and two standard mounting points to accept Weaver or other mount bases and scope mounts to allow for full customization.
$155.95 + $15.00 S&H
SKU: 4
The patented Survival Slingshot Archer model is equipped like our standard model with a compass and two standard mounting points to accept Weaver or other mount bases and scope mounts to allow for full customization. The hollow aircraft aluminum tube is watertight and can accommodate two 2.875 x .875″ tubes for housing survival supplies. This version ships with one supply container with line, fishing weights, fish hooks, needles, pins, thread, fishing line, and swivels. The Standard Archer package also includes a Trophy Ridge Quick Shot Whisker Biscuit for increased accuracy shooting regular size arrows and helps the shooter hold the arrow in place for much greater ease of use. Ease of use is important and you can easily fold away the whisker biscuit and change from archery mode to firing regular ammunition without tools. The front mount also features a mounting hole for archery accessories like an stabilizer or fishing reel seat to add a fishing reel. This setup is also compatible with our center-line laser mount if you choose to add later.
Durable aluminum and steel construction allows us to offer a life time warranty on non-wear parts.
Matches not included due to shipping regulations.