Our ultimate slingshot! The newest version uses a center line mounted laser sight that is fully adjustable for elevation and windage for maximum accuracy. This sling shot is the only one of the market with a tactical light, whisker biscuit and a laser.
$240.95 + $15.00 S&H
SKU: 2
Our ultimate slingshot! The newest version uses a center line mounted laser sight that is fully adjustable for elevation and windage for maximum accuracy. This sling shot is the only one of the market with a tactical light, whisker biscuit and a laser. Like the other models, this sling shot has an integrated compass and includes two clear 2.875″ supply containers with fish hooks, line, weights, pins and swivels, needles, thread, plus 1.25″ archery split ring & bands to shoot standard arrows. Bands are rated at 25 LBS+.
Matches not included due to shipping regulations.